Introducing the Ash Oldershaw blog!
Should be fun - let's get cracking!
Published: 5/25/2022
Last updated: 4/10/2023
192 words
I'm starting a blog, should be fun - will mainly be talking about programming and technology in general. I'll also talk about art sometimes. Here's one of my favourite paintings: "Vercingetorix Throws Down His Arms at the Feet of Julius Caesar" by Lionel Royer.
Image credit: "Vercingetorix jette ses armes aux pieds de Jules César" (Lionel Royer, 1899) Public domain
It's an interesting painting as it glorifies the Gallic revolt under Julius Caesar, and challenges the perception that the Romans were civilised and the Gauls were not. What makes it more interesting is the historical inaccuracies played into the painting to show it not really as a description of an event, but as an idea of what the Gallic revolt represented. I'm into history and it's important to understand the influence of previous cultures on today, so maybe I'll talk a bit about that as well.
All the blog posts will be handled in my content management system, Sanity, so it won't require any changes to the website code to update.
I wanted this website to be easy to maintain from anywhere, even my phone, which is why I'm using Sanity.
I don't post much online but it's always nice to have a blog. Want to set up your own no faff blog where you can just post the content and be done with it? Let me know!